Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Loft 2

Here are the shots of the construction of the 2nd loft and then the finished product, along with the papier mache flooring that I did :)

Friday, February 8, 2013

Little by little

The right combination of paper and poly!
Here is the final experiment with the paper flooring experiment. This time it actually looks good! It's amazing how much time it actually takes to do even a small portion of the room that is done here. Talk about feeling things that you didn't know existed on your body the next day! I know I'm not terribly old, but at 37, kneeling and bending over through this whole process for just this little chunk made me feel about 100 the next few days. Looking ahead to finish the rest of the flooring in the longer space was not something that I was looking forward to doing... but with only 1 month to fix the place up as good as possible before my junk arrived, just had to focus and plow through, suck it up and go!

lead test spot near the middle left edge on  wall
Of course, with a victory comes a speed bump...lead, yes lead! So, the cheapest legal way I found to fix this was encapsulation with polyurethane....wonderful! That is something that i have a ton of! But still, not too excited about that. So, eventually got a lead test and everything is ok so far!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Transformation 90

So, it's not completely done yet, still waiting to get 2 sets of stairs built, but here is a short blurb of the work.Not only has there been ascetic changes, but also life changes as well... 

It's amazing how everything can change in just one moment.
However, I'm surprised at how much it takes to renovate...physically, imaginatively,  financially, the size of it all in a realistic perspective, emotionally...what an experience in itself. Glad to have it, but now that my stuff is here, the umph to continue doing the fixer up stuff has waned's almost like I'm no longer the Bob Villa focused and I just want to settle and enjoy it now :)

The below shot is trying to figure out how to do the 
Papier-mâché flooring and for it to look as good as it did on the youtube videos! This paper and polyurethane did NOT work!